Monday, October 09, 2006

The Scoop


OK - so you've seen a few images and know about the film...but what is it actually about? I realise I haven't clearly stated this here, so for all you who missed the presentation; here's the scoop:

A short tongue-in-cheek documentary discussing optimism and told by bread.

This is a short film (3 mins) presented in the style of a documentary, where various types of bread are being interviewed, recounting stories and being viewed in natural habitat - or i some cases; out of their comfort zones - all discussing their lives in either an optimistic or pessimistic way. Each type of bread will be countered with another so that people can see their views being challanged.

This will be a predominantly narrative peice, in a documentary style. My best work so far has been in documenatries (A Bin's Story, The Ice Cream Film, and Don't Panic, I'm Islamic as seen on BBC3) and it is where I currently see myself being fulfilled in the future. It's all in 2D, most likely a blend of Photoshop, Flash, After Effects and Premiere Pro. The background with be provided by a kitchen, styled in 1950's/60's style with loving pastel colours and abstract shapes, with bright block-coloured bread leaping out in the foreground, with a host of colourful characters who currently include a loaf, his sliced friend Barry, a burnt peice of toast who reacts as a burns victim, a daredevil bread being toasted who believes it's the ultimate thrill and test of endurance, a sandwhich which acts like married couple, white and brown bread discussing racism and a cowardly loaf who finds the bread bin a dark and scary place.

My Mission Statement:
I'm not afraid of tackling some issues, raising some laughs and hopefully will allow an audience to think about they've seen, without throwing it in their face or telling them what to think. I believe a documentary should open discussion, but to be fair and balanced must not cling to one viewpoint. All in all, it'll be a fun, vibrant and honestly intimate peice of entertainment, that everyone can enjoy.

So there you have it! Some ideology for you to chew on, while I prepare some more images for you! Keep smiling!

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