Thursday, January 11, 2007

Back to the Drawing Board


Or rather...Happy New year!

There's been a lot happening in Bread land this week. I've had to hit the ground running if I'm going to get this film made as best as I can.

After the critique, it was made clear that the script still wasn't good enough, so after enjoying my Christmas break with now work, a clear head and a good mood, I have completely re-worked the script. Only about 4 characters survived into the new draft - but here's some sketches I made while writing....

Trying to re-work the Toaster gags....this has since been scrapped.

The only frame kept is the top right. Except, now the lines read "I'm ready to come out now!" from a distressed, but still cooking peice of toast in its plea to be ejected before being burned.

The top left character, with the nose-like object, being made from the bag that he is wrapped in, is our opening character. Each character has much more unique design now.

The nose man and his wife again, stuck in a traffic jam (on a conveyer belt in a supermarket) and a new flirt, the guy on the toastrack.
Here's an extract from my Script Draft Analysis document:
Draft 6 – 8th-10th January, 2007

The most drastic change yet. In the last crit, it was made quite evident that the script still wasn’t working. The ideas were there, but not being executed effectively. So, I went for a radical change in all factors of the script. It couldn’t just be a matter of changing characters’ lines, as that is all I have really done so far. Instead, I wanted to start as if from scratch – to allow my mind to see how much further the idea of Bread could go. I thought about lots of different scenarios, about why bread is being interviewed, its reactions to a particular event and such like, before going back to its roots, and making it all about observational commentaries on human life through bread. I also kept a few drawings that appear like cartoons, just one drawing and a gag, which is how most of my better films have been created. Different shapes and characters grew from this and allowed me to have a far harder time with writing, and relaxed over 3 days. Just to make sure it is good. Most of the previous characters have changed, or been omitted. This draft is also shorter again, but if it means the film works better for not being slow, then I’ll take that any day. The scenes are shorter and more focused, and longer scenes have multiple characters so they can bounce off each other and keep the momentum going. The idea about the supermarket seemed the strongest idea of the new script and so used that as my lead story.

So, a new animatic has just been rendered, and will be critiqued by next week hopefully. This does put me back at least one week on my schedule, but it will be worth it if the overall film is better. Cocordantly, the new animatic is only 2.05 seconds, which makes it far easier to produce in the timeframe i have.
I'll keep you posted!


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